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Awesome Teen Rooms

Teen Rooms are More than Bedrooms...

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Your teenager has decided his room needs a new look.

You are probably mentally gearing yourself up for a BIG FIGHT. Will he ask for black walls? Will he be hanging disco balls from the ceiling? What kind of teen art will he put up on the walls?

Your teenager is probably doing the same.

More often than not, both parents and teen often see decorating teen bedrooms as a battle of wills. Every piece of furniture in the teen rooms and every poster on his wall is a symbol of victory – either of the parents or of the teenager.

Do you have a story to share? Click here to share your experiences of decorating a teenagers room with visitors to this page! 

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But this doesn’t have to be true any more.

Decorating teen rooms can also be FUN. You need to realize that the bedroom truly is a statement of his individual personality. In your home, every room showcases your lifestyle, your interests and your whims. Should not your teen’s room do the same for him?

Tip: Do remember to read our pages on Basic Rules of decorating. They will hold good for the teen rooms too.

1. Keep an open mind

Let us start with the most basic tip. This comes in play much before the actual process of decorating the teen rooms begins.

Discuss the design ideas and listen to your teenager. Make an effort to understand and offer only your advice and guidance.

2. Plan the room - Create Zones

Ask him to prepare a list of activities he will engage in here. Work out separate zones in the room. Help him visualize areas for bed, study desk, video games etc. The furniture, the lighting, the décor will all have to work around these activities.

(Tip: He should make a special note of the location of the closet and bathroom to ensure easy flow from bed to closet to bathroom)

3. List out Individual Responsibilities

Everyone involved in the teen rooms décor must be clear about his or her individual responsibilities. Allowing your teenager to be accountable (both financially and creatively) helps, boost his self-confidence, teach him budgeting and avoid any future cribs and complaints.

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4. Challenge His Creativity

His childhood furniture does not have to end up in the next garage sale. Challenge your teenager to re-use the old furniture in the new room. A fresh coat of paint and new knobs will instantly produce customized furniture for the new teen rooms.

Tip: Produce an interesting twist by using his old toys or knick-knacks to create customized knobs for dresser or desk and even custom door knobs.

We are compiling a list of popular Teen Themes. Is there any particular theme you would like us to showcase? We also have interesting Inspiration Boards to get your creative juices flowing.

5. Organizing the Clutter

Bring fun and easy-to-use organizing techniques into the teen rooms. An interesting way could be to do away with the closet door. He will not be able to throw everything in when there is nothing to hold the clutter back. Storage containers and adjustable shelving help control the clutter and showcase his prized possessions.

6. "I want Black Walls!"

Does his choice of wall color make you see red? Take a deep breath. Ideally you should face this issue much before the damage is done (in the design and planning session with your teenager). You could suggest his choice of color be used in other teen room décor accessories. Else, he could be allowed to paint one wall in this color… to be used as a focal wall.

Tip: If he still insists on a color you know he will soon outgrow, inform him that he will have to paint (and re-paint, if need be) the walls himself. That should be an immediate deterrent.

7. Sharing Room with Sibling

If your teenager is sharing a room with a sibling, provide privacy by either hanging curtains, providing a canopy bed or simply using shelving between the beds to visually separate the two beds.

8. Light Sets the Mood

Lighting is an important element in any bedroom. An unusual overhead light can create a focal point for his room. Don’t hesitate to browse the local second-hand stores and garage sales. Like a piece but the color doesn’t fit the theme? Pick it up and brush on the matching color.

Tip: If your theme includes large circles, look for theme oriented glass bangles or other circular shapes you could attach to the chandelier, wall sconce or lampshade to achieve that unique style.

9. Protect the Walls

Your teenager’s fads and fantasies will be changing at a frantic pace. Guard the walls against sticky glue, tape and pins. Provide him with ample space to showcase his current whims. Put up frames to display posters and other teen art. A large corkboard on one wall can hold important notes, phone numbers and more.

10. A Painted Floor or Decorative Ceiling

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Teen rooms with wall-to-wall carpeting are clean-up disaster areas (especially when they are entertaining!). An interesting idea would be to paint the floor and throw in an easy-maintenance area rug.

Can you imagine these ceiling tiles adorning your teen bedrooms? It will completely transform the look of the room.

11. Be Kind to Earth

Eco-friendly is the current way to be. Being environment friendly can also be very cost-effective. Encourage your teenager to recycle his stuff to create cool and trendy new things. An old pair of jeans makes a fun statement when used as pillow and bolster covers in the new teen rooms.

Your teenager is in the process of discovering himself. His likes and dislikes, fads and fantasies, attitude and lifestyle will be in a constant state of transformation. Your teenager’s bedroom is his testing ground. Allow him the freedom to express himself (in aesthetically contained ways).

Involve him in the decorating process. It will give him a sense of pride when he achieves the final look of his room. Encourage him to explore his individuality and discover his true identity. Together you can create a room that does not blindly follow the trend; instead it makes a statement...the right statement.

Shall we call it a truce?

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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...