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Transform Your Tween's Room: 10 Kids Bedroom Ideas!

Let your tween's room grow with them. Follow these 10 Kids Bedroom Ideas.

(We have included third party products with the goal to help you navigate the web easily so you can focus on what matters to you. Purchases made through links on this page may earn us a commission.)

Tween (I love this new age word) aptly describes the kid caught beTween the carefree playfulness of a child and the classy (and often sassy) attitude of a teen. These young people, aged 8 to 12 years, are in transition. The Cartoon character heroes, dinosaurs and butterflies are too kiddy for them now but they are not ready to forego the themes just yet. They are now into Star Wars, Harry Potter and the like.

Your tween bedroom themes should now start to reflect their personality and their hobbies.

Tell us your story. How did you decorate your tween room? Your inspirations and experiences can help our readers too.

10 Steps to Updating Your Tween's Room

1. List Out All Activities

Your bedroom decorating ideas at this stage require a major transformation. Since your tween is more confident of their wishes and desires, it is important that you sit down with them and list all the activities that will be taking place in the tween bedroom. But they are still young and will be more amenable to your thoughts and ideas.

Studies get more serious now. The desk and chair you choose should be comfortable for long periods of sitting; along with a bulletin board for reminders. Storage for books and display shelves for their trophies; hooks for their backpacks and ways to display their artwork - you need to know what it is that you need to purchase based on your tween's activities.

Prioritize this list with important must-have items on the top and would-like-to-have items under them. Do try to put in as many of the would-like-to-have items as your budget allows. 

Tip: Hmmm…this is a good time to check out our Basic Rules of decorating. Done that already? Good. Let’s continue.

2. Clean Out Their Room

Before you start on fresh ideas, have them clean out their bedroom. All toys, books, wall art and other accessories should go into separate piles to ‘Keep’, ‘Donate’ or ‘Store’.

It is always easier to start new bedroom themes with a fresh, clean look. Once the clutter is gone, you will see the full potential of the room.

3. More than a Bedroom

At this stage, your tween bedroom needs to be designed for more than sleeping (you'd be surprised by the multitude of childrens beds available today). It should serve for reading, studying, playing, and, most importantly, entertaining friends.

This is a social phase for the kids. Find kids bedroom ideas that incorporate fun time with friends. Can the room accommodate extra seating; perhaps a bench under the window; and if nothing else, a pair of floor pillows that are easy to store and yet offer instant seating.

And, of course, his room should make a statement.

4. Experiment with Wall Treatments

This is the time when you can be glad you insisted on that neutral color on the wall. You need not repaint all the walls.

However, you could check out the possibility of painting one wall a bold color… carry that color scheme throughout your tween bedroom though (in your bedding, accessories etc.).

There are some amazing wallpaper patterns and styles that can instantly freshen up the look of the bedroom.

There are many other paint ideas available today - create patterns and focal points; for example - paint a bright arch behind the desk or the shelves; wallpaper the back of bookshelf; paint the closet a vibrant color.

Pink Lemonade Tween Room Mood board

Tween Bedding

Map Art

Flower Floor Pillow

Gold Chandelier

Desk Chair

Desk with metal legs

Macrame hanging

Sunshine Art

Want more Mood board Inspiration? Click on to my Free Resource Library.

5. Go for Furniture that Lasts

The children’s bedroom furniture you buy today could see him through to college and maybe even into his first apartment.

How? Think repaint. Think re-stain. 

So buy furniture that is built to last. The big ticket items should be bought with longevity in mind. Bring in the theme and the personality through easy to change items such as bedding, accessories, even paint.

6. Practical, Functional and Stylish

This tiny bedroom does some very heavy lifting. This is the most important phase in your child's life. This is the best time to teach them all you want them to know and remember when they grow up; because this is when they are old enough to understand yet young enough to change.

They still listen to us.

And the bedroom now truly becomes the sanctuary that can support, comfort and help them in their mental and physical development. 

One of the easiest ways to spruce up the kids room and make cleaning up effortless is to introduce suspended desks or chairs. You might find your tween spending most of their time on this chair.

7. Interesting Themes

The kids bedroom ideas will now turn up some interesting kids bedding themes. Apart from the regular ones of stars, fairies or soccer, you can now pick geometric designs, patterns or a color scheme carried throughout the room with different patterns and textures. Take your inspiration from the tween bedding you select for the room.

8. Rented Apartment?

Perhaps your job doesn’t allow you to settle in one city and have your own home to do as you wish. Not to worry. The manufacturers and specialists in kids room designs, have introduced good quality products that are easy to remove and redo.

9. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Decorating your kid's bedroom need not be a big blow to your pocket. Check out your local flea markets, garage sales and discount stores for material you could re-purpose.

10. Involve Your Tween

Sure you must take his input on the design and theme and incorporate your kids bedroom ideas. Don’t stop there though. Involve him in more physical activities. He can help move the furniture, paint the walls or even remove old nails (do supervise these activities).

Personalized memo boards, hooks for purses and jackets, mirrors and more…there is no shortage of simple, easy-to-do ideas that can provide your childrens room decor a unique and distinctive look.

Take our ideas and give them your special touch. Transform your tween’s room to a designer room that is also cozy and personal.

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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...

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