Dear moms, claim your space >>


by rachael

hi i need to make my room better and more my age i am 11 not 3 do u have any advice

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Feb 26, 2011
by: rachael

thanx richa

Jul 28, 2010
Age appropriate room
by: Richa

Hi Rachael,

It seems you are stuck in a 3 year old toddler's room at 11 years. You have not given me much info to work on, so I cannot give much specific advice.

But here is what I would say:
1. Make a list of all your interests - music (or Lady Gaga); sports, movies, dogs, tinkerbell etc. Is there anything you specifically want to show in your room - a theme?

2. Or you could choose a color scheme instead and put more than one interest in the room - like a bright room with reds and oranges or more sedate with pastel pinks or sky blues. Then add wall art such as a photo of your dog (or of you playing the guitar) and color the frame in the room's color schemes.
[Find a bed-in-a-bag set or comforter that you like and match the rest of the room to its colors.]

3. Also make a list of all the activities you plan to do in the room - sleep, study, sleepovers etc and create different zones in your room. If your room is too small - add different rugs to differentiate the zones.

4. Personalize your space with a sophisticated print of your name.

There are a lot of ideas. I would suggest you go through the pages on this site - you will find ideas that appeal to you. Write them down and cut and refine to your taste.

Hope this helps. If you need any further ideas/help, write back here in the comments section and I will be glad to answer.


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Hi, I am Richa and am super excited to see you here. I enjoy interior designing so much I went back to study it. Now armed with knowledge, passion and a vision to make 'happy homes', I hope this site will give you all the tools you need to make your kid's room happy too.   Read More...